Purchasing Management

NSD's Purchasing Application describe the supply relationship for a material and a vendor and the vendors management including the vendors selection
The data includes:
Material number - Vendor number - Vendor-specific data on deliveries, delivery tolerances, and pricing and text During purchase order entry, data can be proposed from the purchasing information record to the order.
The NSD System consists of a number of components that are completely integrated with one another. This integration allows the various departments and units of an enterprise to share and maintain the same information. Purchasing is a component of Logistics Management (LO). The Logistics (LO) module is fully integrated with the other modules of the NSD System. It supports all the phases of materials management: materials planning and control, purchasing, goods receiving, inventory management, and invoice verification.
The tasks of the MM Purchasing component are as follows:
External procurement of materials and services Determination of possible sources of supply for a requirement identified by the materials planning and control system or arising directly within a user department Monitoring of deliveries from and payments to vendors
Good communication between all participants in the procurement process is necessary for Purchasing to function smoothly.
The NSD Warehouse Management (WM) system provides the flexible, efficient, automated support that enables you to:
- Manage highly complex warehouse structures and several different types of warehousing facilities including automatic warehouses, custom-designed storage areas, high rack storage, block storage, fixed bin storage and all other commonly used storage areas.
- Define and adapt a variety of storage bins for use in your specific warehousing complex.
- Process all relevant warehousing activities and movement tasks, such as good receipts, goods issues, internal and external stock transfers, automatic replenishment of fixed bins, material staging to production areas and stock difference handling.
- Utilize random slotting for multiple owners of goods, display summary evaluations of all goods movements in the warehouse, implement a variety of readily available put-away and picking strategies including self-designed strategies.
- Support the storage and retrieval of hazardous materials and all other goods that require special handling, maintain up-to-the-minute inventory records at the storage bin level using real-time continuous inventory techniques.
- Support the use of automated barcode scanners for all stock movements, interface to external non-NSD warehousing systems, fully integrate your Warehouse Management system for instantaneous interaction with other NSD components to include Materials Management (MM), Inventory Management (IM) and Sales and Distribution (SD).
- In addition to supporting the design of all typical storage areas, the WM system provides an automated support for several advanced warehousing techniques, such as the analysis of requirements and automatic assignment of goods to optimum locations in the warehouse using put away strategies that can be easily defined to match the characteristics of each storage area the configuration of areas for backorder staging and cross-docking of received goods.
- The WM system supports the processing of all relevant movements, including goods receipts and goods issues initiated by the Inventory Management (IM) system, deliveries from the Sales and Distribution (SD) system, as well as movements that take place within the warehouse, such as internal stock transfers.
- With its inventory functions, the WM system ensures that book inventories in the Inventory Management system match the stock in the warehouse, at any time. Because NSD components are fully integrated, you do not need separate interface programs between the Inventory Management system and the Warehouse Management system.
- The MM application supports the procurement and inventory functions occurring in day-to-day business operations and the Warehouses and Storage Management.
Inventory Management is part of the Materials Management module and is fully integrated in the entire logistics system.Material is procured from external or internal sources on the basis of the requirements determined by Material Requirements Planning. The delivery is entered in Inventory Management as a goods receipt. The material is stored (and managed under Inventory Management) until it is delivered to customers (Sales & Distribution), or is used for internal purposes (for example, for production).During all transactions, Inventory Management accesses both master data (such as material master data) and transaction data (such as purchasing documents) shared by all Logistics components.
Goods ReceiptYou use this component to post the receipt of goods from an external vendor or from production. A goods receipt leads to an increase in warehouse stock.
Goods IssueUsing this component, you can post a material withdrawal, a material issue, or a shipment of goods to a customer (without the involvement of the SD Shipping component). A goods issue leads to a reduction in warehouse stock.
You can use this component to remove materials from storage in one storage location and place them in another storage location. Stock transfers can occur either within one plant or between two plants or company codes.
Materials ReservationWith this component, you make a request to the warehouse to keep materials ready for withdrawal at a later date and for a certain purpose. This simplifies and accelerates the goods receipt process. A reservation for goods issue can be requested by various departments for various account assignment objects (such as cost center, order, asset, etc.).
Stock Determination - Check Stock at any timeStock determination enables you to implement various strategies to withdraw material for goods issues and stock transfers. You configure these strategies in Customizing. Based on the material requirements entered, the NSD ERP system determines how and when the material should be withdrawn, and from which storage locations and stocks. When planning your materials requirements, it is not always important that you define the stocks and storage locations from which the materials are later to be withdrawn. Automatic stock determination takes care of this decision for you, thus preventing you from defining these parameters too early and restricting your business processes unnecessarily. The NSD ERP system does not determine the values you require until the goods movement is posted. Based on the stock determination strategy you predefine, the system makes decisions on material withdrawal depending on the material, plant, and the business process.